
Birthday Number 40 Redux

Hello: Although it’s nearly eight months away, my plans are now solidified and details will be going out within two weeks. The invitations are at the printer as we speak. All my friends and family members should have already received an e-mail poll with the choices for locales. If you didn’t get your copy, please […]

Happy New Year — Bye Bye Barry

Hello Loyal Reader[1]: First, and foremost, I’d like to wish everyone who reads this blog a very Happy New Year. I’m posting this a day late because I was too tired yesterday to deal with a blog entry. I am recovering from California’s horrible loss to Texas Tech. At least we did it in the […]

Party Addendum

There is a final decision. I am going to arrange for proper invitations to be printed. Those of you for whom I have real snail-mail addresses will get a formal written invitation. In addition, everyone will get an e-mail invitation. I think everyone will be pleased with the plans. Expect to hear from me by […]

Birthday Number 40

Although it’s nearly a year away, my plans are almost solidified and details will soon be going out. All my friends and family members should have already received an email poll with the choices for locales. I’ve received a decent number of replies and have narrowed it down to two of the original four places. […]

Medical Crap

Yeah, whatever. I had a horrible medical experience earlier this month. I wrote very testy snail-mail letters to my soon-to-be ex-doctor and CVS Pharmacy. I will spare you the bloody (literally) details of what started this all and fail to mention it continues. I am in search of an excellent dermatologist who actually gives a […]

Cal Rocks

Ah, yes, the University of California at Berkeley. Often maligned, terminally underfunded, but home of some of the most loyal alumni there are. The most amazing thing at Cal is our passionate feelings towards our wicked red-headed step-sister Stanford University and Junior High School. It was there long before I attended and will be there […]

Alexander The Great

The man may have been great or maybe he wasn’t. I am offering no opinion on that count. Instead, I offer my two cents on the movie. The movie was visually beautiful. The sound was a bit distracting, but that may have been the theatre I was in. The movie suffered from “too” problems. (1) […]

Too much turkey, bitch.

I ate too much turkey. That’s the traditional Thanksgiving lament, and I am no exception. I’m still sick, not that anyone cares, but since I have a blog, I get to tell the world. Like it matters. Hah. I have some computer equipment and software for all platforms that I’m trying to sell cheap if […]


Wow. Trump filed for bankruptcy for his casino operations. Why is this in my blog? I’ll tell you why. I know a bit about casinos because (A) I am a gambler and (B) I own stocks in lots of casinos. The one thing I can tell you is that all well-run casinos make money. Lots […]


Hi: I’ve been conspicuously absent for a while. I went to the NIFS show and contracted bronchitis — in fact dozens of people who went to the show all have it. It’s rather unpleasant. Then, I left town again this weekend for another business meeting. Flying with bronchitis is a horrible, horrible experience. Flying to […]