Tag: Friends

At least you’ve got your job….

…. or maybe not. So I (on the company dime) bought $351 worth of tickets for the Panthers vs Rangers game for some business associates who were coming into to see us. I had tried to get seats in our section, but I couldn’t, so I bought these and sold mine to Johnny B. I […]

Popcorn And Friends

I made microwave popcorn for breakfast. Thanks to Adrian for that. I dropped some and it got under my chair and now there’s popcorn fluff everywhere. I have to vacuum. Speaking of such things, I am looking for a reliable skating partner. I really need to skate almost every week and not randomly. If any […]

The Morning After

I’m up. I tried to make it a normal morning. I went to the dry cleaner to pick up stuff. I went to the post office. I went to Starbucks. I got gas for my case. All of that was no problem. I had to drive by the vet’s office. It’s on the way to/from […]

Scooter Update 4.2 plus today’s events

I went to visit Scooter this AM but there was someone in the surgery area so I couldn’t see her. I left her treats, promising to come back later. So I went skating with the Berners. I will not humiliate him by pointing out in my blog that his son Shane skates much better than […]

Medical Update Addendum

I am in the final stages of preparing my documentation for the hiring of an attorney. I got a copy of the “Final Interpretive Results” from the hospital (not the one my doctor did). The stuff not listed seems okay. So I won’t bore you with it. At the C3-c4 and c4-c5 juncture, there is […]

Post 501 or a Pair of 501s?

Yeah, this is post 501. I missed the big celebration of 500 🙂 Life goes on. The blog is at 196,000 hits or thereabouts. I’m going to break 200,000 before the year ends. That’s just mind blowing. Most of the visitors are still looking at Led Zeppelin posts and Daniel Radcliffe posts. So if you […]

Suckitude: The Legacy of BMW’s iDrive

I hate the iDrive in my BMW with a passion. It goes against all common sense. Specifically, a new invention should work the way people think or it becomes a distraction. While you’re driving, that’s deadly. iDrive is BMW’s stupid control-knob which you turn, press, or push/pull in one of four directions to make things […]

A Lazy Sunday

First, Robert Lynn Asprin, author of the Myth series of novels as well as the Phule’s Company series of novels is dead from natural causes in New Orleans. He died in May in bed whilst reading a Terry Pratchett novel. I just found out when I got my new issue of Locus Magazine. Second, Adrian […]

Randomness Part Huit

I found a bug in Firefox version 3, which I reported at Bugzilla. Really muffs up the visuals when you try to change text size on one page and it changes the text size on ALL pages. Horrific planning to implement a “new feature” at the expense of useability. Sad because it worked fine. Adrian […]

Randomness Part VII

I have switched to roman numerals for the random posts effective with this post. I know you don’t care. New photos on my Flickr photo blog again. That should clue you in my hard drive is back and mostly checked out. There will be more details later. I have made a car decision as of […]