Tag: London

England Day 3 (through 4pm GMT)

A follow on for yesterday’s post. I forgot to mention a funny anecdote. When we got to Boots, and Karen was asking about her cough medicine, the pharmacist listened and told her “You’re chesty” and there was a moment of hilarity because what Karen thought he meant and what he really meant were not the […]

England Day 3 (from 4pm) The David Beckham Chronicles

The rest of today was simple, with Rules closed we left the hotel for Little Italy — the one on Frith Street and not the chain. Since my last visit, it’s been totally remodelled, is twice the size and twice the price. But the food is a winner as always, so it doesn’t matter. Not […]

Trip to England Day 1 and 2

Left my house Christmas Day night. Karen arrived at the same time the taxi did, and we were at the airport way too early (her request) so we could go the lounge. I warned her the MIA lounge is a shared lounge and not so great. She now agrees. We boarded on time and our […]

Indiana Jones And The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Long day. Dad called early and woke me up asking if I could find him an earlier flight home. I gave this off to Karen. No dice for Dad. Last minute flights on Memorial Day are just a fantasy. Yes, I saw Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull today with The Higgi […]

My Vacation Report (Such as it was)

As usual, I am typing up a trip report for those parties who may be interested in what I did for vacation this year. I use the term vacation lightly as this was anything but a vacation. As far as I’m concerned, I took no vacation in 2007. This year, I decided to ditch Christmas […]

Tunnels (Review)

Tunnels is a book by Roderick Gordon and Brian Williams. I bought this right after Christmas at the Borders near Sawgrass Mills. It was an unintended purchase. As is my wont, I was walking through the bookstore and the title, for obvious reasons, struck me. I picked it up and found it was set in […]

Runaway Trains and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

There’s a great song by Soul Asylum called Runaway Train, but it wasn’t about this! Yes, you read it right. In a surprise bid for freedom, a Docklands Light Rail train escaped its operator at West India Quay station and went for a ride. Naturally, being the DLR and English, it dutifully came to a […]

Random Stuff

I had dinner last night with someone I hadn’t seen in about 20 years. I’m still trying to figure out the exact date. Randy Barris. I had a really great time. He came over around 515pm right after I got home from work — a good 30 minutes before I figured he’d get there — […]

In a pissy mood….

Yeah, I’m in a pissy mood today. I bet you thought it’s cause tomorrow’s my birthday. Wrong. I care not one whit about said birthday. I am over birthdays. I had my big blast on my 40th and the next one will be at my 50th if I decide it’s worth the energy. So what’s […]

A London Peculiar, Smoke Magazine

I have decided to blog about a very unusual magazine to which I subscribe called Smoke, A London Peculiar. It’s no secret I’m a big fan of London, what with my London webpage and all. There are many magazines around on a great variety of subject, but few quite as peculiar as this one. Why […]