Tag: Scooter

Scooter Update 3.0

Hello Boys and Girls: Today’s Scooter Update: After an all-day fast (poor kitty) so she could be sedated for an x-ray, I come home to a ravenous kitty who looks like she wants to bite me. Her plaintive meow is responded to by me picking her up and shoving her delicately as possible into a […]

Randomness Part Six

First, I updated an old post with some additional Cal alumni including Jay Ward (class of ’41) the creator of Rocky and Bullwinkle. Second, blog traffic is creeping up again which pleases me. All-time historical hot topics now include Led Zeppelin in first place with about 7% of my 160,000+ hits since I got my […]

Random Tidbits

SCOOTER UPDATE: She’s feeling a bit better after we saw Dr. Child — Dr. Child has a much better bedside manner than the other two doctors in the office. Plus, she’s a cat owner. Cat owners make better cat vets than dog owners (and vice versa). She changed Scooter’s medicine levels to 1-1/2 pills per […]

Scooter Update 2.0

Scooter went in for a follow-up visit today. Here’s what I had given to the vet. (This refers to her original condition): I just want to reiterate a few points: The morning Scooter had her incident she was fine. She was jumping up on tables, playing, being her usual rambunctious self. When I came home, […]

Update on Dad III (Good News)

PET Scan: Lymph Nodes didn’t even show any cancer at all — it’s gone. That’s excellent news, of course. That’s right: there is no trace of any cancer in the Lymph nodes. The tumour itself still has some activity, though. The doctor can’t be 100% sure it’s still cancerous due to residual radiation and scar […]

First, a Scooter Update

Scooter is home. I picked her up from the vet earlier today. I’d love to tell you she’s feeling fine, but she isn’t. However, she is thrilled to be home. I spent some time with her, then left her alone for a short time to do a few errands. She cannot walk all that well, […]

Even More Scooter News :(

First, see previous post from yesterday. I had an appointment today at 4pm to pick up Scooter and take her home. This appointment was made yesterday because Dr. Child was confident Scooter would be in better shape and able to go home. Friday afternoon is not the time to go to a vet’s office. After […]

Scooter News :(

Scooter has been losing a little bit of weight — mostly eating a bit less. But otherwise, she has been behaving normally. Just this morning she jumped up on the table and had a try at my breakfast — something she normally does. She still jumps all over, and is generally active and cantankerous. Her […]