Category: Movies

Pirates of the Caribbean III Review

Yes, I’ve seen it despite the abysmal reviews: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. And you know what? It’s heaps better than Shrek 3 or Spiderman 3, and in fact it’s better than the previous film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest as well. Nobody would call this film “art” or even good […]

Shrek The Third, Diggs, Jerry Falwell

I am rather pleased with the title of my blog entry for today. First, I have removed the “Digg This” button from my individual blog posts as not one single person ever used it. The master button remains. StumbleUpon buttons also remain as sometimes a kind soul takes a liking to what I’ve said and […]

Spiderman 3 — The Review

I wanted to like this movie so badly, I can’t begin to tell you. I went in hoping it was going to blow my socks off. In a way I got my wish. It definitely blew. Okay, not that bad but there are issues with this film. It starts off great then it gets lost […]

Nicolas Cage in Ghost Rider (Movie Review)

Yeah, so I saw Ghost Rider today. Had to kill time doing something that didn’t overtax my voice which is slowly returning. Hopefully it’ll be close to normal tomorrow at work, especially since I didn’t tell anyone about my Endoscopy. The movie is very funny — including in the places it shouldn’t be. I’m quite […]

Eddie Murphy in Norbit (Review)

Eddie Murphy plays three starring roles in this film (Norbit, Rasputia, and Mr. Wong). It’s a really funny film, and makes you fondly recall back when he was funny before he started making really bad comedies. Yes, you remember those films. Happily, this movie is fun and funny. Nobody will mistake it for art, or […]

The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness takes a long time, or it does if you go by the movie. I looked at my watch at least ten (10) times in this film, never a good sign. The acting was very good (at least by the Smiths). But the film was unbearably long. It was set in the […]

Eragon (Film) based on Christopher Paolini’s novel

Christopher Paolini wrote Eragon when he was about 15 and I enjoyed the first book. Didn’t really like the second. Either the novelty had worn off, or perhaps his parents didn’t help with this one as much. So now they’ve made a movie. This movie could have been decent — it could never be great […]

Billy Elliot (Movie Review)

This is a retro-post. I put this online 24 December 2005 using the date it was originally sent out. Yesterday afternoon I saw “Billy Elliot” — I had mixed feelings about seeing it but had always been curious. To be sure, it did not turn out to be the movie I expected. However, I can […]

A (Long) Night at the Museum

Well, the reviews are in. They’re mixed. Either you love this movie or you hate this movie — at least that’s how the reviews are. I was mildly entertained. There are some good parts, some bad parts, but it’s completely mindless. Sometimes, though, that’s okay. It starts slow. Painfully so. But after about 20 minutes, […]

Bond, James Bond (Daniel Craig in Casino Royale)

(No spoilers) Let me first start by saying I read all of Fleming’s Bond books some years ago, and was dismayed at what Bond had become. This is not to say I didn’t think Brosnan wasn’t a great Bond, he was. However, the Bond they wrote for him did not have the true spirit of […]