
Rob’s Blog and a catchy tune (Pluma-Pluma)

You’ve just got to see this. These are from my friend Rob’s blog. This was just too rich for an e-mail and I thought it should be here permanently. The links are now listed out here in-full for your viewing pleasure, and more importantly these are the original videos and not the edited ones that […]

A Whole New Look

So, what do you readers think? You like the new visual design? Thanks to Erin for helping with the style sheet. I think it’s a lot spiffier than before. Suggestions welcome, too 🙂 

I hate Bad Service

Today, I took Grandma to Rascal House, because we like it there. Besides, it’s an Institution in these parts. The food is always good. The service is generally surly but efficient. The service was inexplicably horrible today. Grandma hates when I make a scene, or the manager would have heard about it. I had the […]

Ah, yes, the blog is fixed

Hello: As you may have noticed the blog’s been a bit, um, well, unhappy lately. The archives were broken on most browsers. The formatting, text, and colours were shot. All sorts of unholy stuff. The blog is now fully functioning again and everything is (apparently) fixed. The blog blew up the other day and stopped […]

Why I hate my car….

A few weeks ago, I took my car in for the 40,000 mile service. It also needed a brake job and to have the rotors turned. It wasn’t ready on the appointed day because “we have to take it for a test drive before we return the car to you.” That was the exact line. […]

Heeeeeeere’s Johnny….

I am saddened by the death of Johnny Carson earlier today. I grew up watching Johnny Carson. When I was younger, he was on past my bedtime, and I used to stay up and hook headphones to my TV so I could listen anyway. He was the ideal and perfect talk-show host. He was comforting, […]

In a bad mood….

I am in a bad mood right now. I don’t know why, I just am. I was fine earlier today but now I’m just generally irritated. I just thought I’d let the world know, or at least the 2 or 3 people who bother to read my blog. — E

Boogers, Blogs, and Browsers

Don’t you just hate when my subject line in unrelated to the contents of the post? Should I stop? I’ll take opinions on that. I’m back to Firefox. Happily, it now works with my bank’s site. They didn’t fix Firefox, so they must have fixed my bank’s site. That was why I went back to […]

Ritchie’s Revenge

WARNING: Do not drink liquid whilst reading this post. I am not responsible for damage to your surroundings. You’ve been warned. Last night, my mother called with 2:07 left on the clock in the Steelers v Jets game (JETS SUCK). I told her I was watching football. All my friends and relatives know that is […]

Cult of Mac

ISBN 1-886411-83-2 This is such a kick-ass book, I would encourage all my MacHead friends to go and buy it. If you’re one of those “other” people who use that Windows trash, perhaps reading this book will help you understand why we MacHeads are so fanatical and loyal. Maybe we should call ourselves MacQuaeda? “The […]