Tag: Friends

Today’s Recap: Boating Incident, BBQ, and such

Today started off typically. I woke up after a restless night with little sleep (though more than normal) and did my usual morning stuff before heading off to breakfast at Romeau’s which was okay. After which I went skating (today with Evan, John, Liz, Shane) at Pines. Backstory: I had promised Karen I would try […]

So many things to report….

First, a big thank you to John and Liz for their hospitality last night. There was BBQ and music and fun all around. I’m glad I went. Tasty. A bit spicy and my acid reflux didn’t enjoy it nearly as much as I did. Oh well, sometimes you gotta’ live a little. Now on to […]

News Analyses and Other Fun Stuff

First this article from the BBC news site. It’s about Google’s efforts to scan every book and make it available (in limited parts) on their search engine. Lots of people are pissed off. Google started doing it for works out of copyright and nobody really objected, and nobody should. That’s public domain. Then they decided […]

Weekend In Review

Saw Mom and Grandma Saturday and had a nice visit and a huge breakfast at Mo’s. That was the start of the day and I was feeling okay then, relatively speaking. Afterwards, it was going to be “guys day out” but we ended up with Lizzie so our plans changed accordingly. We met up at […]

Weekend Nears End

To start off, I am so glad Jace and Grant came to visit. It’s just been too long since I’ve seen them. It was when the last Harry Potter movie came out. Really unacceptable. We all accepted the blame for this, and we have mutually resolved to not let it happen again. I felt bad […]

Some Special Thanks

I don’t want to mention names, but I want to make sure those of you who I’ve leaned on for support these past few months know how much I appreciate it. It’s not that any one thing is overwhelming but when a whole list of things is added together; that’s how it became the mess […]

Fun on an Ugly Day

Woke up and went to breakfast (brunch) at Cheesecake Factory. It ended up being just me and Liz, but I had a most enjoyable time and that’s everyone else’s loss. I had French toast (okay) and bacon (yummy) and a glass of water — still no hot beverages for me 🙁 After which, we went […]

Tron The Sequel

Yeah, that’s right: Jeff Bridges returns to world of TRON, now in 3D! Tron: Legacy is coming in 2010. I am skeptical and excited at the same time. There are some pretty cool clips on YouTube so maybe it won’t suck. I saw the original in Manhattan on opening weekend and was shocked way back […]

Today’s Roundup

Madame de Gaulle was said to have been lunching with the American ambassador at the time of her husband’s retirement when she was asked what she was most looking forward to in the years ahead. She thought for a moment before announcing boldly: “A penis.” A startled hush fell over the table until the former […]

Night At The Museum: Smithsonian (Review)

Well it was going to be a big day out: Erin, Evan, Brenda, their two kids, The Higgi (4), and Tara (3), Karen, and Steve (2), plus me. Karen cancelled due to mother issues, Tara didn’t show for reasons unknown, and Erin had ambulatory issues (though she did join us after). I wasn’t expecting a […]