Tag: Accident

Bruno, Books, and Stitches

I visited Erin yesterday, we went to Stevie B’s for lunch, then we went and saw Bruno (same idea as Borat). It was really, really funny. But both Erin and I agreed it had too much dick. This movie was a veritable pickle fest. Bouncing penises are not funny. But many of the jokes were. […]

MRI Results and stuff

This is post 650 for this blog and the current counter has surpassed 230,000 which is pretty amazing to me. I also wish to point out I am spending too much time on Facebook lately. I’ll correct that in short order. Happy Birthday to Jace — I’m glad you’re having one, and I hope there […]

A busy day: Deaths and Cars and such

First, RIP to Karl Malden a fine veteran actor who died today at 97. RIP to another from one of my all-time favourite shows, Mollie Sugden — the legendary Mrs Slocombe – also died today at 87: she was one of the highlights of the legendary Britcom Are You Being Served. A sad day and […]

Dental Hell and the Death of a Florida Panther

Today was the first of several dental visits I will have as the result of my accident. Today’s work involved the upper right side of my mouth and was unrelated to the accident. But we got that one out of the way because it was easy. I begged him to do two teeth per visit, […]

Let The Fun Begin

So, I called the dentist this morning because, of all the things that hurt, not being able to chew is the worst. My right and left teeth (one from the back not counting the wisdom) hurt like hell. Left is temperature sensitive and right is pressure sensitive. This wasn’t a problem before the accident. The […]

The Day After Le Accident + Wanda Sykes

Came home last night (see below) to a slew of answering machine messages. None of which I have returned yet (sorry). Also had tons of emails, all of which I’ve returned last night but 2 or 3 which require more detailed replies. I woke up around 6am after a long night with large quantities of […]

Settling Back In and Settling the Accident Claim

I am settling back in after my long weekend with Mom. Fatigue. Blech. Seems a number of you are jealous based on emails and comments that appear on my Facebook feed. Cool. I’m glad you’re jealous. I will remind everyone that I am the best tour guide you know for both London and Las Vegas. […]

Post 501 or a Pair of 501s?

Yeah, this is post 501. I missed the big celebration of 500 🙂 Life goes on. The blog is at 196,000 hits or thereabouts. I’m going to break 200,000 before the year ends. That’s just mind blowing. Most of the visitors are still looking at Led Zeppelin posts and Daniel Radcliffe posts. So if you […]

Ow, my neck ::cries::

Today I saw the spinal specialist. He’s chiropractor friendly, which I like. He took several x-rays in his office. And thus, the accident saga continues. $400 out of my pocket because they don’t do auto insurance claims. I’ll have to file this. The good news is my whiplash is probably minor. That concludes the good […]

Where was I?

Before I go on to updating you on various things, congratulations to Mr. Obama for winning the primary. Yo, Hillary, just give it up. I will be honest and say my candidate of choice did not make it far in this election. He’s long gone. Actually, my real candidate of choice didn’t even run. So […]